Our Mission
Reporting to the Office of the Provost, IAP provides information and analytical services to the University of Waterloo.

What We Do
- Provide analyses of past and current activity levels (students, faculty, staff, space, finances) appropriate for decision making regarding priorities and long range planning.
- Serve as contact point for outside agencies such as Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU), the Council of Ontario Universities, etc.
- Analyze and summarize information for Waterloo committees such as the Board of Governors, Deans' Council, Executive Council, etc.
- Assist in the development of policy alternatives, statements on internal or external issues, interpretation of government policy, and analysis of University objectives.
- Develop grant, tuition, co-op fee revenues and income sharing arrangements for the University budget.
- Reporting to government agencies (Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities) on student and faculty activity.
IAP is comprised of four teams: